
How to Choose an RMM Solution for Your Business

Learn how to choose an RMM solution that's perfect for your business, including the must-have features to look for.


Tuesday, June 4, 2024

How to Choose an RMM Solution for Your Business

A remote monitoring and management (RMM) tool lets you manage and monitor your IT environment from anywhere. From the definition itself, you can probably already imagine the doors it can open for your business.

Effortless IT support. Faster software deployment. Proactive monitoring. These are just some of the benefits of RMM software. However, achieving these advantages depends on the specific tool you use.

In this guide, we'll explain how to choose an RMM solution that's perfect for your business, including the must-have features to look for.

What are RMM Tools?

RMMs are must-have tools for IT professionals and managed service providers (MSPs). Why? They offer the power to manage and monitor IT infrastructure from anywhere, which is something that a traditional monitoring setup can never accomplish, or at least not on a large scale.

It’s like having a virtual control center that lets IT teams monitor networks, network devices, servers, and endpoints from a single spot. That's the magic of RMM tools–they continuously monitor IT systems and catch performance hiccups, security threats, and policy breaches before they turn into bigger issues.

Plus, they take care of mundane tasks like software updates and patch management automatically, which slashes the manual workload and minimizes mistakes. And the best part? 

They generate detailed reports that give you deep insights into system performance, security status, and compliance to help you make smarter decisions.

Why Do Businesses Need RMM Solutions?

An RMM tool seems like the ultimate network solution for IT environments, but how does it benefit a business exactly? 

Let's discuss some of the advantages of having efficient management software for your network infrastructure, both for your IT department and the business as a whole.

Proactive Issue Detection and Resolution

Imagine catching a problem before it becomes a crisis. That’s what RMM solutions do for your IT systems. By continuously monitoring your infrastructure via remote access, they can identify and address potential issues before they escalate into major disruptions. 

This means less downtime and fewer headaches, which helps keep your business running smoothly without unexpected (and costly) interruptions.

Increased Efficiency through Automation

Think about all the time your IT team spends on routine tasks like software updates and patch management. Now, imagine those tasks being handled automatically.

RMM tools take care of these mundane chores to free up your team to focus on more strategic projects. Aside from the increased efficiency, the right RMM tool will allow your IT staff to contribute more to your business’s growth and innovation.

Better Security Posture

Keeping your systems secure is a top priority for any business, and RMM tools are like a 24/7 security guard for your IT infrastructure.

They make sure that all your software is up to date with the latest security patches, which protects your business from vulnerabilities and cyber threats. With continuous monitoring and timely updates, you can rest easy knowing your IT environment is well-protected.

Comprehensive System Monitoring

Wouldn’t it be great to have a single dashboard where you can see the health of your entire IT infrastructure? With the right RMM software, you can easily do that.

These management tools provide a centralized view of your networks, servers, multiple devices, and endpoints, allowing you to monitor everything from one place. This holistic view helps you keep track of system performance and quickly find any areas that need attention.

Detailed Reporting and Insights

Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to managing IT. RMM tools generate detailed reports that give you valuable insights into system performance, security status, and compliance.

These reports help you understand what’s happening in your IT environment, make informed decisions to optimize performance, and plan for future needs.

Reduced Human Error

Let’s face it: humans make mistakes. However, with RMM tools, many of the routine activities that are prone to human error are automated.

Automation helps ensure that maintenance tasks are consistent and accurate, minimizing the risk of mistakes that could lead to bigger problems later.

Cost Savings

Every minute of downtime can be costly. By preventing issues before they cause disruptions, RMM solutions help you avoid the expenses associated with fixing major problems.

Plus, by automating routine tasks, you save on labor costs and can allocate resources more effectively. Over time, these savings can make a significant difference to your bottom line.

Scalability and Flexibility

As your business grows, so do your IT needs. RMM solutions are designed to scale with you, accommodating growth and changing requirements without compromising performance or security. 

This flexibility means you can expand your IT infrastructure confidently, knowing that your RMM tools will keep everything running smoothly.

team working on laptop

8 Features to Look For in an RMM Vendor 

Not all RMM software can offer the solutions you need. So, whether you're an IT professional or a managed service provider, it's always worth looking into the key features an RMM tool should have.

Here are some of the most important features to consider when looking for the best RMM tool for your business:

1. Comprehensive Monitoring and Management Capabilities

First things first, your RMM tool should provide proactive monitoring for your entire IT environment, including servers, workstations, networks, and mobile devices. 

Look for features like real-time alerts, performance metrics, and dashboards that give you a clear view of your systems’ health and performance.

2. Automation and Scripting

One of the biggest advantages of RMM tools is their ability to automate routine tasks. Make sure the tool can handle software updates, patch management, and routine maintenance automatically.

Additionally, it should support custom scripting to address specific needs and automate more complex tasks.

3. Remote Access and Support

Effective RMM tools offer secure remote access to devices, allowing IT professionals to troubleshoot and resolve issues without needing to be on-site. 

This feature saves time and increases efficiency, which also means quick responses to problems no matter where the devices are located.

4. Patch Management

Keeping systems up-to-date with the latest patches is a must for security management and performance. 

That said, your RMM tool should streamline the patch management process, automatically identifying, downloading, and installing patches across all managed devices to ensure their security and smooth operation.

5. Reporting and Analytics

Detailed reporting and analytics help you understand your system's health and make informed decisions. Look for an RMM tool that offers customizable reports on system performance, security status, compliance, and other critical metrics.

These insights can help you identify trends, anticipate issues, and plan strategically.

6. Security Features

Security is a top concern, so your RMM tool should include features that protect your IT infrastructure. 

This might include antivirus integration, endpoint detection and response (EDR), and the ability to enforce security policies across all managed devices.

7. Integration Capabilities

The best RMM software should integrate seamlessly with other tools and software your business uses. 

This might include PSA (Professional Services Automation) tools, ticketing systems, and other IT management solutions.

8. Vendor Support and Integration

Having solid vendor support is key to getting the most out of your RMM tool. You want to find vendors who offer a full range of support services, like helping you get set up, providing training, and offering responsive customer support (technical and otherwise) whenever you need it.

It's also a plus if the vendor regularly updates the tool with new features and security enhancements, so you're always up-to-date with the latest tech.

How to Choose the Right RMM Software

Some of the best RMM tools offer a variety of comprehensive features that should serve your needs well. However, you want a tool that meets your specific needs to a T.

So, how do you go about finding that perfect solution? Take a look at this guide:

Step 1: Assess Your Business Needs

Start by understanding your specific requirements. Determine what aspects of your IT infrastructure need the most attention. Are you looking for strong network monitoring, extensive automation, or robust security features?

Knowing your needs will help you identify the RMM tools that best fit your business!

Step 2: Research and Compare RMM Providers

Do thorough research on different RMM providers. Compare their features, pricing, customer reviews, and support services. Look for providers with a good reputation and a track record of reliability. Create a shortlist of tools that meet your requirements and compare them side by side.

Also, pay close attention to the ease of use and the level of support provided because these factors can significantly impact your experience with the software.

Pro tip: Creating a comparison table can help you visualize the differences and make a more informed decision.

Step 3: Request Demos and Trials

Before making a decision, request demos and trial periods from the RMM providers you are considering. Hands-on experience will give you a better grasp of how the tool works and whether it suits your business needs.

Remember to pay attention to the user interface, ease of use, and the responsiveness of their support teams during this period.

Step 4: Consider Scalability and Future Growth

Finally, consider the scalability of the RMM software and how it can support your business's future growth. As your business expands, your IT infrastructure will grow, so choose an RMM tool that can scale with your business.

More specifically, make sure it can handle an increasing number of devices and users without compromising performance. Scalability is crucial for future growth, so pick a tool that will continue to meet your needs as your business expands.

Simplify Your IT Management with Level

Home page of Level, a remote monitoring and management software

Level is making your IT workflow better, faster, and stronger. With an emphasis on simplicity, proficiency, and security, Level saves your team countless hours through its automated patching solution.

Take advantage of modernized remote access, improved automation, and a suite of tools that will elevate your service capabilities. Whether you're looking to improve efficiency, strengthen security, or expand your service offerings, Level provides the technology to make it happen.

Book a demo or sign up for a free 14-day trial today!

FAQs About How to Choose an RMM Solution

What is an RMM solution?

An RMM (remote monitoring and management) solution allows IT teams to monitor and manage your company's entire IT infrastructure remotely. It offers features like real-time monitoring, automation, and detailed reporting to ensure smooth and secure operation.

Why do businesses need RMM solutions?

RMM solutions proactively detect and address potential issues, reducing downtime and boosting efficiency. Plus, they automate routine maintenance tasks, saving your team tons of time and freeing them up to focus on more important projects.

How do I choose the right RMM software?

To find the perfect RMM software, start by assessing your specific business needs. Research and compare different providers, request demos and trials, and consider how well the software can scale with your future growth. This way, you ensure the software aligns perfectly with your IT management requirements.

Level: Simplify IT Management

At Level, we understand the modern challenges faced by IT professionals. That's why we've crafted a robust, browser-based Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) platform that's as flexible as it is secure. Whether your team operates on Windows, Mac, or Linux, Level equips you with the tools to manage, monitor, and control your company's devices seamlessly from anywhere.

Ready to revolutionize how your IT team works? Experience the power of managing a thousand devices as effortlessly as one. Start with Level today—sign up for a free trial or book a demo to see Level in action.