
Best RMM Tools for MSPs (Benefits + Overview)

Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) tools are software solutions used by Managed Service Providers (MSPs). Let's get an overview.


Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Best RMM Tools for MSPs (Benefits + Overview)

Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) tools are software solutions used by Managed Service Providers (MSPs) to monitor, maintain, and manage their clients' IT infrastructure and systems from a remote location.

These remote access tools enable MSPs to oversee and control devices, networks, and services. Their significance lies in their ability to streamline operations for MSPs. They allow MSPs to manage a large number of clients efficiently without the need to be physically present at the client's site.

In this article, we will explore the core functions and benefits of RMM tools, key features to consider when choosing an RMM solution, and provide you with practical advice on implementing these systems.

Business professional in office on computer

What Are RMM Tools?

RMM is a category of software specifically designed for MSPs to remotely and proactively monitor client endpoints, networks, and computers. This way, MSPs can manage and resolve issues for multiple clients simultaneously from a central location.

Core Functionalities

  • Monitoring

RMM tools continuously monitor the health and performance of client systems. This includes tracking the status of hardware components, software applications, and network traffic.

Alerts are generated automatically if any parameters deviate from their normal range, which enables quick response to potential issues.

  • Management

These tools provide remote access to managed systems, allowing MSPs to perform tasks such as system updates, software installations, and configuration changes without the need for on-site visits.

  • Maintenance

RMM platforms can automate regular maintenance tasks like patch management, disk defragmentation, and backup checks. This ensures that client systems are up-to-date and optimized for performance without manual intervention.

  • Reporting

RMM solutions generate detailed reports on system health, security, and performance metrics. These reports are crucial for MSPs to provide transparency to their clients and for making data-driven decisions about IT infrastructure improvements.

RMM Tools vs. Other Management Technologies

While there are various management tools available, RMM tools stand out for several distinctive reasons. 

Traditional IT support tools are typically reactive, focusing on resolving issues after they occur. In contrast, RMM tools are designed with a proactive approach. They aim to prevent issues before they arise, which helps maintain continuous system uptime and reduces the chances of critical failures.

Additionally, RMM tools are known for their high level of automation. They automate routine tasks across multiple systems and clients simultaneously, a feature less commonly found in standard IT management software, which often requires more manual intervention. 

Another key feature of RMM tools is their integrated functionality. Unlike other technologies that might only offer remote management or monitoring, RMM combines monitoring, management, maintenance, and reporting into a single platform. 

Finally, RMM software is specifically built to meet the needs of MSPs. It supports multi-tenant environments and offers scalable management for an extensive array of devices and networks.

Benefits of RMM Tools for MSPs

Remote Monitoring and Management tools offer a suite of advantages that are critical to the success and operational efficiency of Managed Service Providers. 

Here are some of the key benefits:

Improved Efficiency and Scalability

Remote monitoring tools automate numerous routine tasks such as updates, maintenance checks, and monitoring, which traditionally require substantial time and manpower. Once these processes are automated, MSPs can handle more clients and larger infrastructures without a proportional increase in resources or costs. 

Furthermore, the central dashboard provided by RMM tools allows MSPs to monitor and manage multiple clients from a single point.

Proactive Problem Resolution

One of the standout features of RMM tools is their ability to anticipate and resolve issues before they escalate into serious problems. Through constant monitoring and the use of predictive analytics, these tools can detect anomalies that may indicate potential system failures or security breaches.

And when MSPs address these early, they prevent downtime, data loss, and other costly disruptions to their clients' operations.

Improved Security Compliance

Security compliance is an important concern for all businesses, and MSPs are responsible for ensuring that their clients' systems comply with various industry regulations and standards.

RMM tools help in this aspect by providing features such as patch management, which ensures that all systems are up-to-date with the latest security patches.

Additionally, RMMs can monitor compliance across all endpoints, automatically generating reports that assist in both maintaining compliance and auditing processes.

What Are the Features of RMM Tools?

Remote Monitoring and Management tools are equipped with several features that not only streamline various IT management tasks but also improve the overall service delivery of Managed Service Providers. 

Here is a detailed breakdown of these essential features:

Automated Maintenance

Automated maintenance is the foundational feature of RMM tools, as it enables the scheduling and execution of routine maintenance tasks such as software updates, disk defragmentation, and backups.

This automation ensures that all systems remain in optimal condition without the need for continuous manual oversight, reducing human error and freeing up valuable resources.

Real-time Alerts

A remote monitoring solution provides real-time monitoring of systems and generates alerts the moment a potential issue is detected.

The alerts can be customized based on specific thresholds for system performance or security parameters, ensuring that MSPs receive immediate notifications about critical concerns and allowing for swift action to mitigate risks.

Patch Management

Keeping software up-to-date is crucial for security and functionality. RMM tools facilitate an automated patch management system, automatically updating all client systems with the latest patches.

This centralized approach not only helps close security vulnerabilities but also helps maintain software compliance across the board.

Remote Support Capabilities

Remote support is a fundamental feature of RMM systems, allowing MSPs to remotely monitor and access client devices to troubleshoot and resolve issues.

This capability significantly reduces the time and cost associated with on-site visits and enables MSPs to provide immediate assistance to clients.

Integration with Other Tools

To provide a comprehensive IT management solution, RMM tools often integrate seamlessly with other software, such as Professional Services Automation (PSA) tools, ticketing systems, and antivirus software.

This integration creates a unified management environment that enhances workflow automation and data consistency across different service management tasks.

Business professional on the phone

How to Choose the Right RMM Tool?

The ideal RMM solution should align with the specific needs and goals of the MSP. 

These are some key factors to consider when choosing an RMM tool:

  • Scalability

As MSPs grow, their RMM tool should be able to accommodate an increasing number of clients and devices without a drop in performance.

Look for RMM tools that offer flexible pricing models and can manage a wide range of devices and networks. The ability to scale up or down based on the number of devices or level of service needed is crucial.

  • Compatibility

The chosen RMM tool must be compatible with a range of systems and devices that your clients use.

Ensure the RMM software supports various operating systems (like Windows, macOS, Linux) and can integrate with other business tools used in your operations, such as CRM systems or cybersecurity software.

  • Ease of Use

An RMM tool should be intuitive and straightforward, as it minimizes the learning curve for your team.

Look for a user-friendly interface with accessible features. A good RMM tool should enable your technicians to perform tasks efficiently and without frequent consultations of help documents.

  • Cost

The cost of the RMM tool should fit within the budgetary constraints of the MSP while providing the necessary features.

Consider both upfront and ongoing costs. Some RMM tools charge per device, while others offer a flat rate. Additionally, take into account any extra costs for training, support, or additional features.

  • Customer Support

Reliable customer support is vital, especially when dealing with complex systems and networks.

Evaluate the quality of customer support, including availability (24/7 support), types of support offered (phone, email, live chat), and the provider’s reputation for responsive service.

Best Practices for Integration

Start by deploying the RMM tool with a limited number of clients or devices to monitor how well it integrates with existing systems and workflows. This approach allows for adjustments and troubleshooting without overwhelming your team or risking client operations.

Next, use the RMM tool to develop standardized procedures for common tasks and maintenance operations. This will help maintain consistency among clients and technicians, reducing errors and inefficiencies.

Ensure that all data handling, especially data transmitted between the MSP’s and clients' systems, complies with security standards and regulations. Configure the RMM tool’s security settings to optimize protection against vulnerabilities.

You can also seamlessly integrate the RMM tool with other systems, such as ticketing, CRM, and cybersecurity solutions. 

Training and Support Considerations for Staff

Organize training sessions for all relevant staff members that cover the RMM tool's basic and advanced features. Consider different learning styles and include hands-on sessions to ensure practical understanding.

Technology evolves constantly, so arrange for ongoing training sessions to keep your team updated on the latest features and best practices associated with the RMM tool.

Establish a support structure for the RMM tool within your organization. This could involve designated super-users or a helpdesk specifically knowledgeable about the RMM system to assist other staff members.

Tips on Transitioning Clients to a New RMM Platform

Here are some useful tips that will help you with transitioning clients to a new RMM platform:

  • Inform clients about the change to a new RMM platform, explaining the benefits and any changes they might expect in their service experience.
  • Provide clients with guides, FAQs, and training if necessary, to familiarize them with the new system's interface and functionalities, especially if client interaction with the RMM tool is expected.
  • Actively seek and monitor client feedback during the initial phase of the transition.
  • Allow clients to opt-in to the new service in phases rather than switching all clients at once. 

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FAQs about RMM Tools for MSPs

What is Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM)?

Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) is a type of software designed to help IT service providers, particularly Managed Service Providers (MSPs), manage and monitor the IT infrastructure of their clients remotely.

How do RMM tools improve security for managed IT systems?

RMM tools contribute to IT security by automating the deployment of patches and updates, ensuring that all systems are up-to-date with the latest security fixes. They also monitor networks and devices for unusual activity that could indicate a security breach. Additionally, RMM solutions enforce security policies and provide detailed reporting for compliance audits.

Can RMM tools be integrated with other business applications?

Yes, RMM tools are designed to integrate with a wide range of business applications, including Professional Services Automation (PSA) tools, ticketing systems, customer relationship management (CRM) software, and more. 

What types of devices can RMM tools manage?

RMM tools are capable of managing a wide range of devices, including desktops, laptops, servers, mobile devices, and network components. They are designed to handle various operating systems such as Windows, macOS, Linux, and even mobile platforms like iOS and Android.

How do RMM tools integrate with mobile device management?

RMM tools effectively integrate mobile device management (MDM) capabilities, allowing MSPs to oversee and manage mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets alongside traditional computing hardware.

Level: Simplify IT Management

At Level, we understand the modern challenges faced by IT professionals. That's why we've crafted a robust, browser-based Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) platform that's as flexible as it is secure. Whether your team operates on Windows, Mac, or Linux, Level equips you with the tools to manage, monitor, and control your company's devices seamlessly from anywhere.

Ready to revolutionize how your IT team works? Experience the power of managing a thousand devices as effortlessly as one. Start with Level today—sign up for a free trial or book a demo to see Level in action.