
Remote Server Monitoring For Reliable & Secure Data Access

Remote server monitoring enables IT teams to monitor and maintain servers efficiently, enhancing performance and security.

Jacob Haug

Friday, December 4, 2020

Remote Server Monitoring For Reliable & Secure Data Access

Imagine this: your IT team, always on their toes, juggling the demands of monitoring and maintaining your company's lifeblood—the servers.

These powerful machines, whether on-premise file storage or remote databases are the backbone of your operations. A server hiccup can spell disaster and easily throw employee productivity into chaos.

But what if there was a way to make this crucial task less of a headache? Enter remote monitoring and management (RMM), the must-have tool in server management.

In this article, we’ll explore how remote server monitoring software can transform the way you watch over your company servers, making the process smoother and more efficient than ever before.

Times are Changing for Remote Servers

For nearly two decades, company servers have been the foundation of data sharing and access control within organizations. Some businesses housed their servers in a modest office closet, while others relied on entire rooms filled with these critical machines to drive the data flow throughout their operations.

In those early days, and still today for many, IT teams and system administrators faced the tedious task of manually logging into each server to check status and monitor server performance. As you can imagine, this process was not only time-consuming but also prone to errors.

Often, the first sign of trouble came from frustrated employees unable to access essential resources. These manual checks were burdensome, easy to overlook, and allowed issues to fester until they required urgent, all-hands-on-deck interventions.

As remote work and the bring-your-own-device trend have become the norm, the need for reliable server access has grown exponentially. Many organizations have moved their servers to cloud providers, but this isn’t a viable option for everyone.

For those maintaining on-site servers, especially in 2024 and beyond, incorporating automated monitoring and management tools can transform server management from a reactive chore into a proactive strategy.

But how do these benefits come about? Let's take a deeper look into the benefits of remote server monitoring software.

Why Do You Need a Remote Server Monitoring Tool?

Monitoring server performance is necessary but often monotonous. As your business grows, infrastructure monitoring is likely to become even more difficult. So, why not nip a potential problem in the bud and invest in a remote monitoring system?

Here are several reasons why an RMM is a must for good server health:

Key Data Points from Remote Server Monitoring

Integrating RMM software into your server infrastructure empowers IT teams with vital data and swift access to troubleshoot issues and track performance.

While basic logging can highlight errors and downtime, top-tier server performance monitoring software offers deeper insights into system health to provide a comprehensive overview of your server environment.

The number one advantage of remote server monitoring is live performance data. With agents installed on each server, IT teams receive real-time updates on disk space, CPU and memory usage, and running processes. This information extends to software and operating system versions, helping ensure that every aspect of server health is tracked to a T.

When issues arise, or status checks exceed predefined thresholds, systems that remotely monitor your environment instantly detect these anomalies. Configurable alerts via email, text, or other messaging platforms make sure IT teams are promptly informed to allow rapid response, which helps maintain system integrity and address critical issues before they escalate.

Tracking Demand for Remote Servers

While status checks and error notifications are the primary functions of RMM software, the true power lies in its ability to log and analyze historical data.

Automated logging provides a rich of source insights, which allow you to graph and interpret patterns in data access, high demand periods, and network latency. Efficient, fast servers are directly linked to increased productivity, and understanding these patterns empowers IT decision-makers to strategically expand or optimize infrastructure.

However, the benefits of historical data extend beyond proactive planning. When something goes wrong, having a detailed log to review can pinpoint the source of the problem, even if it originated from an unexpected upstream issue.

Without these logs, identifying and resolving such errors would be significantly more challenging. The best remote monitoring software offers customizable automated logging and tracking, giving you the detailed information you need to keep your server infrastructure running smoothly.

servers storage

Unified Interface for Tracking All Servers

Remote monitoring doesn't just maximize your ability to track server performance—it also allows the standardization of checks and policies across your entire server infrastructure. As your IT environment becomes more complex, having a unified interface to monitor all your servers from a single location becomes a must.

Implementing RMM software provides a comprehensive view of your server ecosystem to maintain consistency in monitoring and management practices. With a unified interface, IT teams can effortlessly oversee all servers, simplify troubleshooting, and make sure that policies are uniformly applied. All these factors help reduce the risk of oversight and human error.

Plus, RMM software simplifies the process of granting and limiting server access. For example, with Level, managing user permissions is straightforward. Once installed on a Windows server or another machine of your choice, IT administrators can create access groups and assign permissions to a standard set of machines in seconds.

Beyond access control, RMM software can integrate with other IT management tools, giving you advanced features such as automated patch management, detailed audit logs, and real-time alerts. Integration ensures that your IT team can respond promptly to potential issues, maintain compliance with industry standards, and continuously optimize your network infrastructure.

Remote Server Monitoring is a Security Must-Have

Today, remote server monitoring is not just a convenience. It's a critical security measure. When things go awry, identifying the problem quickly can save you from the dreaded effects of downtime.

Usually, issues stem from internal errors or software bugs, but sometimes, they result from malicious activities. In the event of an attack, you need to be alerted immediately. That's why real-time notifications of breaches or unusual access patterns are a key reason to implement RMM software on your servers.

RMM software also plays a vital role in keeping your systems secure by making sure software is always patched and up-to-date, thereby mitigating many potential vulnerabilities. Plus, it allows you to establish uniform policies and deploy updates across all machines in multiple locations simultaneously.

Additionally, to guard against ransomware and natural disasters, using remote backups for company data is non-negotiable. RMM software facilitates this by automating the creation and restoration of backups to offsite storage. 

In the event of a catastrophic attack, you can quickly recover your data and resume operations with minimal disruption.

Secure & Reliable Server Access

The way we work is evolving, and so is our approach to IT support. As remote work becomes the norm, integrating your servers into a comprehensive remote monitoring and access plan is now a must.

With advanced RMM software like Level, you can rest easy knowing that your servers are secure, up-to-date, and easily accessible.

Level's RMM software offers a host of features designed to make the tedious task of monitoring servers easier and more efficient. Real-time monitoring ensures that any potential issues are found and addressed promptly, minimizing downtime and maintaining productivity. 

Meanwhile, automated updates and patch management keep your servers protected against the latest security vulnerabilities.

Additionally, Level simplifies access management. IT administrators can easily grant or restrict server access so that only authorized personnel can access sensitive data and systems. Better yet, the software's intuitive interface allows for seamless configuration of user permissions, making it straightforward to manage access across your organization.

Level: Simplify IT Management

At Level, we understand the modern challenges faced by IT professionals. That's why we've crafted a robust, browser-based Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) platform that's as flexible as it is secure. Whether your team operates on Windows, Mac, or Linux, Level equips you with the tools to manage, monitor, and control your company's devices seamlessly from anywhere.

Ready to revolutionize how your IT team works? Experience the power of managing a thousand devices as effortlessly as one. Start with Level today—sign up for a free trial or book a demo to see Level in action.

FAQs About Remote Server Monitoring

What is remote server monitoring?

Remote server monitoring involves using specialized software to track the performance, health, and security of servers from a remote location. This process includes real-time monitoring, automated alerts, and detailed reporting, allowing IT teams to manage servers efficiently without being physically present.

How does remote server monitoring improve security?

Remote server monitoring improves security by providing real-time alerts for unusual activity, potential breaches, and vulnerabilities. It enables automated patch management to keep servers up-to-date with the latest security fixes and maintains detailed audit logs for tracking access and changes, which is crucial for compliance and forensic analysis.

What are the key features to look for in remote server monitoring software?

Essential features of remote server monitoring software include real-time performance monitoring, automated alerts, patch management, access control, detailed reporting, and audit logging. Additional features like remote backups, integration with other IT management tools, and a user-friendly interface are also highly beneficial.

How does remote server monitoring contribute to business continuity?

By providing real-time alerts and automated responses to server issues, remote server monitoring helps prevent downtime and ensures continuous business operations. Features like remote backups and disaster recovery support enable swift data restoration, minimizing disruption in case of server failures or cyberattacks.

Can remote server monitoring be used with cloud-based servers?

Yes, remote server monitoring can be used with both on-premise and cloud-based servers. Many remote monitoring solutions offer compatibility with popular cloud platforms, allowing seamless integration and consistent monitoring across diverse server environments. This ensures comprehensive visibility and management of all server assets, regardless of their location.

Level: Simplify IT Management

At Level, we understand the modern challenges faced by IT professionals. That's why we've crafted a robust, browser-based Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) platform that's as flexible as it is secure. Whether your team operates on Windows, Mac, or Linux, Level equips you with the tools to manage, monitor, and control your company's devices seamlessly from anywhere.

Ready to revolutionize how your IT team works? Experience the power of managing a thousand devices as effortlessly as one. Start with Level today—sign up for a free trial or book a demo to see Level in action.