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IT professionals and MSPs often need to quickly gather key system information for troubleshooting, security audits, or tracking lost/stolen devices. Manually retrieving this data can be time-consuming, especially in incident response situations. This script automates the process, providing essential system intelligence in seconds.
This script gathers crucial details about a Windows endpoint, including:
With just one execution, this script provides a comprehensive snapshot of an endpoint’s network and system state, making it invaluable for asset tracking, security investigations, and network troubleshooting.
This resource is provided as a convenience for Level users. We cannot
guarantee it will work in all environments. Please test before deploying
to your production environment. We welcome contributions to our community
Level Library
# Get System Details
# Get Local IP
ipconfig /all
# Get Remote IP
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
(iwr -UseBasicParsing).Content.Trim()
#Get list of all visible wireless networks
netsh wlan show networks mode=bssid
#Get ARP table
arp -a
Windows - Gather Intel
This script gathers system and network information for diagnostics, including system details, local IP configuration, remote IP address, visible wireless networks, and the ARP table. It is designed to assist Level users in troubleshooting network and system-related issues.
Local system
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