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Level Verified

Windows Delete/Disable Users Script

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WindowsApple iOSLinux

Problem Overview

This script tackles the issue of lingering or unauthorized local user accounts on Windows machines by providing a simple, automated way to disable or delete them, ultimately tightening security and preventing accidental or intentional misuse of overlooked user profiles.


It uses a string of comma-separated usernames supplied through a Level script variable, converting them into an array for sequential processing. For each user, the script checks whether the account exists, then disables it by default to prevent login attempts. A simple uncommented line can switch the behavior from disabling to permanently removing the user account, granting administrators a flexible way to handle unauthorized or unneeded users. By running under System-level permissions, it ensures minimal manual intervention and reduces friction in day-to-day security operations.


2This resource is provided as a convenience for Level users. We cannot 
3guarantee it will work in all environments. Please test before deploying 
4to your production environment. We welcome contributions to our community 
7Level Library
11# Split the string into an array
12$userArray = "{{UsersToDelete}}" -split ',' | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim() }
14foreach ($user in $userArray) {
15    # Check if the user exists (assuming we're looking for local users by username)
16    if (Get-LocalUser -Name $user -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
17        try {
18            # Disable the user account
19            Disable-LocalUser -Name $user
20            Write-Output "User $user has been disabled."
22            # Commented out: To delete instead of disable, uncomment the next line
23            # Remove-LocalUser -Name $user
24            # Write-Output "User $user has been deleted."
25        }
26        catch {
27            # Use double quotes with escaping for the colon
28            Write-Error "Failed to disable user $user`: $_"
29        }
30    } else {
31        Write-Output "User $user does not exist."
32    }

Use Cases

  • Promptly disabling unauthorized or forgotten user accounts on Windows
  • Automating the cleanup of unused or stale profiles for better security hygiene
  • Responding to real-time alerts from a script-based monitor in Level
  • Enforcing account-based compliance within a broader admin compliance automation


  • Pair this script with a script-based monitor in Level to take immediate action when unauthorized users are detected
  • For routine cleanups, schedule it through a Level automation to run automatically at desired intervals
  • Test the script on a non-production environment before rolling out to ensure correct behavior
  • Keep your “UsersToDelete” variable list accurate and current for best results
  • Check out the Admin Compliance & Remediation Automation


  • Can I delete users instead of disabling them?
    Yes, simply uncomment the “Remove-LocalUser” line and comment out the “Disable-LocalUser” line in the script.
  • Does this script need elevated privileges?
    No, Level runs scripts under System-level permissions on Windows, so no manual elevation is required.
  • Will the script output if a user doesn’t exist?
    Yes, you’ll see a message indicating that the user does not exist, preventing confusion or repeated attempts.
  • Can I process multiple users in one go?
    Absolutely, you just need to provide a comma-separated list of usernames in the “UsersToDelete” variable.

Included with this Script:

Below is a list of what you can expect to find when importing this Script.

Script details:

The following data and settings will be imported with your script.

Script Name

Windows - Delete/Disable Users


This PowerShell script processes a comma-separated list of usernames provided through Level's script variables to perform account disablement on Windows systems. For each username in the list, it verifies the account exists locally, then attempts to disable it (with commented code available for deletion instead). The script provides status messages for each attempted operation, including success confirmations and error details if the operation fails or if the specified user doesn't exist.



Timeout (In Seconds)


Run As

Local system

Import into Level

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