
Next-Level Device Management: Introducing Automations

Harness the power of event-driven responses to streamline device management, enhancing operational efficiency without lifting a finger.

Jacob Haug

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Next-Level Device Management: Introducing Automations

Introducing Level Automations - the future of IT management. Simplify workflows, reduce manual tasks, and boost productivity with ease.

Almost five years ago, we embarked on a journey with Level, fueled by a mission to simplify IT management. Our goal was ambitious yet clear: to make managing a thousand of devices as easy as managing a single device. Our journey has been marked by significant advancements, introducing features across Windows, macOS, and Linux that enable remote control, patching, and monitoring, all designed to streamline device management.

Over the last six months our efforts have been channeled into developing—a feature that resonates deeply with our core mission. Automations are all about enhancing efficiency by allowing you to automate responses to specific events, dramatically reducing the need for manual interventions.

Consider the possibilities: automatically installing Office when a device is tagged, setting up a new device upon detection, or applying tags when a device joins a group. These examples are just the tip of the iceberg. Automations offer the flexibility to craft IT management processes that are tailored to your unique needs.

To get you started and make the most out of Automations, we've prepared a walkthrough. This guide will help you familiarize yourself with Automations, showcasing how to implement them in your IT management strategy effectively. Let's dive in and explore Automations.

Triggers: The Heartbeat of Automation

Triggers are the heartbeat of Automations, kickstarting your Automations based on specific criteria. They can be manual (a simple click of a button), scheduled (on a weekly or monthly basis), or event-based (triggered by specific actions). Whether it's the discovery of anew device or the application of a tag, triggers are there to streamline your processes.

Available Triggers at Launch

At launch, Level is equipped with a few select triggers designed to cater to a wide range of automation needs, setting the stage for what’s to come.

Manual Trigger

Every automation comes with a Manual Trigger, which is just a fancy way of saying you can manually add devices whenever you need to. It's super handy for tasks you want to run right away. Plus, if you use it, you can easily see which devices just went through the automation. Pretty straightforward, right?

New Device Detected
New Device Detected

When you add a new device to Level, any automation set up with the "New Device Detected" trigger will automatically run on that device. This means you can make sure any new device gets quickly rolled into your usual management flow. Think initial setups, onboarding tasks, tagging, and sorting into groups—all done automatically.

Weekly Schedule
Weekly Schedule

For those tasks that need to hit like clockwork, the Weekly Schedule trigger is your best friend. Set it up, and Level will automatically run automations on all your devices, barring any you've excluded with conditionals, at regular intervals. Thinking of running maintenance every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at midnight? You're all set. It's ideal for keeping those routine checks and updates on point.

Monthly Schedule
Monthly Schedule

Then there's the Monthly Schedule trigger, designed for those once-in-a-while tasks that are crucial but less frequent. This trigger ensures operations like thorough audits or detailed reports are automatically taken care of each month. Need them on the first and third Sunday at midnight? No problem. It's all about making those bigger, less frequent tasks manageable and timely.

Trigger Conditionals
Filter Conditions

One size doesn't always fit all, especially in IT. That's why we've introduced conditionals that work alongside triggers, allowing you to specify exactly which devices should be included in an Automation based on certain criteria like operating system, group, or specific tags.

Upcoming Triggers

We're committed to expanding our triggers to offer you unparalleled control over your automations. Here's a sneak peek at what's on the horizon:

Hourly and Daily Schedules
Daily Schedule Trigger

For tasks that need a bit more precision in timing, our Hourly and Daily Schedule triggers have you covered. Whether it's something that needs to happen every hour, every three hours, or maybe every other day, these triggers give you the control to manage time-sensitive tasks with ease. It's all about offering flexible scheduling options to fit the exact needs of your operations.

Exact Time Scheduling
Exact Time Trigger

Exact Time Scheduling is all about hitting the mark right when you need it. It lets you schedule automations for specific times, perfect for fitting into tight maintenance windows. Need to switch all your devices into maintenance mode? Just set it up for next Tuesday at 3pm, and you're good to go. This feature is a game-changer for planning precise tasks without a hitch.

Tag Applied/Removed
Tag Applied Trigger

The Tag Applied/Removed trigger is all about making your device management smarter and more responsive. When you add or remove a tag from a device, this trigger kicks off an automation right away. So, if you tag a device with "Office," an automation will roll out to install Office on it. Decide to remove that tag? Another automation can jump in to uninstall Office, helping you manage your licenses efficiently. It's a slick way to keep your device setups aligned with their current roles and needs.

Enters/Leaves Group
Group Trigger

The Enters/Leaves Group trigger simplifies dynamic group management by activating automations whenever a device is added to or removed from a group. This functionality ensures your device management adapts in real-time, maintaining the efficiency and relevance of your groups without extra legwork. Whether you're reorganizing devices based on their current use case or department, this trigger helps keep everything streamlined and up-to-date.

HTTP Request
HTTP Trigger

The HTTP Request trigger opens up a world of possibilities for automation by responding to HTTP requests. This means you can kick off an automation through webhooks, external APIs, or any custom integration you've set up. It's a powerful way to connect Level with other tools and services you use, making your workflow even more seamless and integrated. Whether it's syncing with a CRM system or triggering tasks based on alerts from another platform, this trigger has got you covered.

Actions - The Backbone of Efficiency

Once a Trigger sets things in motion, Actions are what get the job done. Think of them as the muscle behind the magic, executing the tasks that keep your IT operations humming smoothly. Whether it's running scripts, rebooting devices, or sending notifications to end-users, Actions handle the heavy lifting, ensuring that your Automations aren't just alert but also effective.

Available Actions at Launch

At launch, Level starts off with a carefully chosen set of Actions, ready to tackle a broad spectrum of automation challenges. This initial lineup is just the beginning, laying the groundwork for the expanding capabilities we plan to introduce.

Run Script
Run Script Action

The Run Script action is all about efficiency and consistency. It's perfect for when you've got those go-to scripts you use over and over—think software setups, system diagnostics, or even tailored cleanup operations. You can keep these scripts handy in your script library, so they're always ready to be rolled out with your automations. This means you're not just saving time; you're also making sure things are done uniformly every time, keeping your IT workflows smooth and reliable.

Shell Action

The Shell action is like the Swiss Army knife in your automation toolbox. It's perfect for those quick, on-the-spot commands that help tie everything together within an Automation. Picture these as the "glue" commands—they might not earn a permanent spot in your script library, but they're essential for smoothing out the edges of your automations. Whether it's setting up a temporary directory before a major script kicks off or cleaning up temporary files once everything's done, the Shell action offers the adaptability to handle these tasks on the fly. This keeps your script library neat and focused, while still giving you the flexibility to execute those crucial, context-specific commands.

Notify User
Notify User Action

With the Notify User action, you can send a customizable message right to the end-user's screen. It’s like having a direct line to let them know about important updates or actions. Say you need to reboot their system; you can prompt them to save their work with a notification. Or, if an automation is running that might slow down their computer, you can alert them in advance so they’re aware. It’s all about equipping you with the means to communicate effectively and keep everyone in the loop. Also, the Notify User action is cross-platform, so whether your end-users are on Windows or macOS, you can reach out with those important notifications.

Wait for Approval
Wait for Approval Action

The Wait for Approval action adds a crucial checkpoint to your automations, pausing the process until you give the green light. It's perfect for those moments when you're dealing with sensitive tasks that need an extra look before proceeding. This way, you ensure that every step is double-checked and approved, providing a safeguard and adding a thoughtful layer of oversight to your operations.

Delay Action

The Delay action is like hitting the pause button between steps in your automation, giving you a moment to ensure everything's in order before moving on. It's really handy for making sure previous actions have wrapped up nicely or when you need to time things just right. Whether it's waiting for a system to fully boot up after a restart or spacing out tasks to reduce load, the Delay action helps you orchestrate your automations with precision timing.

Restart Action

The Restart action gives you the power to reboot devices remotely, making it a key player for wrapping up updates or diving into troubleshooting. This action can be a game-changer, especially when a fresh start is what a device needs to apply changes or shake off any glitches. With the ability to initiate reboots from afar, you ensure that devices stay up-to-date and run smoothly, all without needing to be physically present.

Upcoming Actions

We're focused on consistently expanding our built-in Actions to bring you more capabilities, transforming your automations from simple reactions to comprehensive management, communication, and problem-solving tools. Check out what we've got lined up to streamline your IT workflows and simplify your day-to-day:

  • Tag Management: Apply or remove tags from devices automatically, streamlining device categorization and management.
  • Group Management: Assign devices to groups dynamically based on certain criteria or actions.
  • Enable/Disable Maintenance Mode: Temporarily suspend monitoring alerts for maintenance periods.
  • Flag Devices: Mark devices for review or special attention.
  • Create Alerts: Generate custom alerts based on automation outcomes.
  • Nag User: Send repeated notifications to users requiring approval before proceeding to ensure critical messages are noticed.
  • Run Pipeline: Trigger another automation from within an automation, allowing for complex, multi-step workflows.
  • Winget Management: Manage Windows applications through Windows Package Manager, automating installation and updates.
  • Send Files: Transfer files to the managed devices automatically.
  • Windows Defender Management: Control aspects of Windows Defender, enhancing security measures.
  • Service and Process Management: Automate the starting, stopping, and managing of services and processes.
  • Send Emails or Text Messages: Automate communication for alerts, updates, or confirmations.

Each upcoming action is geared towards adding more power and flexibility to your automations, helping you manage more effectively with less manual intervention.

Have Suggestions?

Your input is invaluable to us. As we continue to evolve Automations, we'd love to hear your thoughts on what triggers or actions would make your life easier. And, of course, we're eager to learn about the innovative ways you're leveraging Automations within Level.

This is just the beginning. Automations is set to transform how IT professionals like you manage and monitor devices. It's about making the complicated simple, the tedious automatic, and the impossible possible. Let's embark on this new chapter together and redefine device management.

Over the coming days and weeks, we’ll be creating a series of videos and articles to highlight the capabilities of Automations. Stay tuned.

Level: Simplify IT Management

At Level, we understand the modern challenges faced by IT professionals. That's why we've crafted a robust, browser-based Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) platform that's as flexible as it is secure. Whether your team operates on Windows, Mac, or Linux, Level equips you with the tools to manage, monitor, and control your company's devices seamlessly from anywhere.

Ready to revolutionize how your IT team works? Experience the power of managing a thousand devices as effortlessly as one. Start with Level today—sign up for a free trial or book a demo to see Level in action.